About me

I am a full stack .net developer with 5 years of experience in front-end and back-end technologies like HTML, CSS, Jquery, Angular, Typescript, Bootstrap, C#, MSSQL and Mongodb. I have done bachelor's in computer engineering from Gujarat Technological University. I have worked on web applications, Web APIs, Windows Forms, Web Forms, Tray applications and corporate websites. Programming is my hobby and I have starting writing blog to provide a platform for those who want to grow their career as a fullstack .NET developers.

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Javascript Classes & Constructors

Javascript is an Object-Oriented scripting language.

Object-Oriented Programming refers to the idea of making objects for the real world things while programming. Just like any other object-oriented programming language, one can create classes and objects of the classes in javascript.

How to create a javascript class?

Javascript class is created using the keyword class as shown in the below image.

Syntax to create Javascript Class
Syntax to create Javascript Class

How to create a javascript constructor?

Javascript constructor can be created using the constructor keyword. The syntax is shown in the below image

Syntax of javascript constructor
Syntax of javascript constructor

Let's create a calculator using javascript class and constructor

Before beginning with the code, it is necessary to list the elements and functionalities. Here, we are going to make a calculator like the below image.


List of functions

  1. To set the display value when the user clicks on any button. If the user clicks on 1 then the display value should be 1. If the user clicks + then this should be appended to the display screen (textbox) and so on.
  2. Whenever user clicks on "=", the calculated value should be displayed on the textbox
  3. To clear the textbox when the user clicks on button C.

So, to implement this we will create a class Calculator and there will be 3 methods inside the class for each of the functionality mentioned above.

HTML Code for the calculator

Html Code for the calculator
Html Code for the calculator

CSS Code for the calculator

CSS code for the calculator
CSS code for the calculator

Javascript Code for the calculator

For the calculator, we will create a class called Calculator having properties Expression and displayElement. We will create a constructor that will set the properties of the Calculator class during initialization. There will be 3 methods inside this class to set the values, evaluate values and to clear the values as shown in the below image

Calculator Class, Constructor and Methods
Calculator Class, Constructor, and Methods

The eval() method is used to evaluate any string expression like "1-2", "10+20", etc in javascript

The Button Click Event

Whenever we click on any of the buttons, all we want to do is to append that value to the textbox. For that, we have to add an event listener for all the buttons as shown below:

Button Click Event
Button Click Event

The same thing needs to be followed for Evaluate and clear button click events. A calculator object needs to be created with the property values and then call the respective methods as shown in the below image:

Evaluate and Clear Button Click Event
Evaluate and Clear Button Click Event

You can check this example on jsFiddle. For any queries, you can reach out at info@beawesomewithprogramming.co.in. To get notified for the releases, subscribe through email.